
I’ve been up for almost three hours and my brain has not stopped whirring in all that time. It is exhausting. From the minute I woke up, this cerebral hyperactivity has careered headlong through such topics as what we are having for dinner, how I can fit the dog’s walk in this morning with all the other commitments I have, how to best balance the food budget owing to the predictable overspend during Christmas, how I will ever lose that last half a stone from my latest pregnancy when I am hungry all the time and fruit just doesn’t cut it, how will the baby manage without her afternoon sleep – something which will have to be dropped as she didn’t go down until 9 pm last night owing to a later-than-usual 3 pm slumber, whether or not I suffer from SAD because I have noticed that my mood has been a little less than bright these last few days and the gloomy weather is beginning to drag me down somewhat, how fast life goes as you grow older and that I feel as if the last 5 years have just hurtled me into middle age at a frightening rate, whether we will ever get round to finding the time and energy to sort the garden out, sell a load of stuff on eBay that is currently piled up in our bedroom, clean the skirting boards or wash the car… I won’t bore you with the rest.

I think this is why I drank, to slow it all down and give my head a rest.